Old Father Time

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In the modern world, we are acutely conscious of the passage of time – the beauty industry is centred around delaying the signs of ageing, we want to achieve goals by a certain age, we measure all of our human relationships through the passing of time. Yet, why do physicists say that time is merely an illusion?

Taking time in the context of human interactions (the physics is way too mind boggling for me to think about this evening) – you can “know” someone for 10 years but yet in all that time, they don’t really understand you at all. A friend of mine said to me a few weeks back that she feels she can say things to me (who she has known for nearly three years), that she can’t say to people she has known for 20 years for fear that they will judge her. Sometimes, time is no measure of anything at all given that a) people change over time and paths drift apart and b) sometimes you just click with someone and time just serves to deepen a pre-existing connection.

There are many explanations for this – I’m sure most people will have heard the theory that when you feel a deep connection with someone that you have known them before in a past life. Perhaps not in the same context – maybe they were your brother, sister, parent or grandparent and someone completely different in this life. That provides a reason for why you feel like you know them; because you do. You just “get each other”.

People like to say that relationships are hard work and yes, they most certainly take effort. However, it shouldn’t feel like such a massive, omnipresent responsibility. Most of the time it shouldn’t feel like work – it should feel happy, fulfilling and fun. Bringing out the best side of your personality.

So if there were practical signs that could point to this connection, this feeling of knowing, what would they be?

1. It’s comfortable – all you need to be is you; no more, no less.

2. You can be honest – no secrets, no lies, just open communication.

3. Time just flies by when you’re with them – with most friends, you’ll meet for a few hours and that will be enough. Where there is something deeper, days will go by and it felt like no time at all had passed.

4. And the over-dramatic one; a feeling like you won the lottery. Phew, someone actually gets all the s*** that I go on about and it feels amazing and liberating.

My meditation teacher once said to me when you change your frequency, you change what you attract into your life. I know she’s right. I will wrap up as usual with a quote:

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”   Brene Brown.



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